Loved by 100+ creators
Do everything with one platform.
🔗 Short links 📱 Bio pages 🤳 QR codes 👤 Share Vcards 📃 Transfer files 🧑💻 Host HTML Sites
Shortened links
Yes! You can use our service as a shortener as well.
Scheduling & expiration limits
Country, device & language targeting
A/B Rotation
Password protection, sensitive content warning
Built-in analytics
Easy to understand, yet detailed and comprehensive analytics for all your links. GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant.
Countries & cities
Referrers & UTMs
Devices & operating systems
Browsers, Languages
Custom domains
Connect your own domain or use our predefined ones.
Easiest way to categorize your managed resources.
URLs that open apps automatically
Short links that automatically detect the used app and open it on mobile.
Tracked pageviews